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International? Domestic? Foster to adopt?

I have been researching, researching, researching.  Since we changed our foster to adopt age range from 0-5 it made our adoption journey much longer then anticipated.  We are so so protective of Jackson and Ayla now and we really want to make sure that our decision to adopt doesn't have a negative affect on them.  If you are curious about what I mean go here to see how our foster to adopt placement ended.   Anyhow now we are sticking to the "rules" we want to adopt in birth order if possible.  So now I have been thinking about an African adoption researching Ethiopia and Uganda.  This would mean all new paperwork, home study etc. uggggggg!  I have met through the blog world this amazing woman who has adopted 8 kids.  6 from foster care, one from Ethiopia and one domestic infant adoption.  Yeah, she is pretty much an adoption expert and she has quickly and patiently answered my thousands of questions.  She just started working for Mother Goose adoptions.  Click here if you would like to read her blog.  I think going through her would be great choice if you would like to adopt an infant.  Since we got our home study done in April we only have until April to use our home study before it expires if we want to adopt domestically. So either way we need to make a decision pretty quickly.  All the costs are covered if we adopt through foster care adoption but since that option may not work for our family anymore I need to come up with a way to raise money.  The estimated cost for an adoption is $20,000 - $30,000.  I know God calls us to care for orphans.  The orphan statistics are to sad to ignore.  Once we see and know we are responsible for what we do next. We have a home and hearts waiting to love and welcome our new child(ren).  I know God loves adoption and he will provide the Ransom we need to pay to get our child(ren).  So I would love any advice that you who have adopted can give.  Were to adopt? Fundraising ideas?  Stay posted and keep praying for us we have to make a decision soon.

~Stephanie  – (October 27, 2010 at 9:32 AM)  

Hmmm... Our homestudy was good for 2 years if it was unused. We were told 1 year at first but then I found out it was really 2 years.

Rachel  – (October 27, 2010 at 12:26 PM)  

That would be nice! We have been told by all the agencies that we have talked with that it could only be a year old. For you it could be 2 years old without having to add to it? What agency did you use?

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