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Skipping my Shower

Just put these two down for a nap and the other 3 are at

school.  This is usually my time to take a shower but today I

just couldn't get something out of my mind. 

It is something I have been wanting to post for awhile but I

always seem to be so busy or to tired at the end of the day to

write.  I have so many people say to me:

"You went from two potty

trained kids to 5 over night, you are crazy!" 


"you must really love kids" 

This is usually

not meant as an insult but just more amazement that

someone is crazy enough to commit to something like this.  I

really do think most people in our lives don't get it and really

think we are crazy.  I know where they are coming from.  A

couple years ago before Eli and I made the commitment to

adopt I would have never in my wildest dreams thought that

we would adopt three kids at once.

I even had some Christian's who are very close to me

say right before the kids moved in

"so your really going through with this"?  "I

am worried about you and how it will change your life if

you commit to this."

"Just because you are a Christian doesn't mean you have to

adopt."  "Why didn't Jesus adopt?"

I could go on and on with quotes. 

Everyone worrying for me, but no one worrying for the three

children that had no where to go. 

How does that make sense.  Praise the Lord that we said yes

because our lives are so full and so blessed because of these

three.  Ayla would have never met her best friend if we

had said no.  We have never been happier as a family.

Why do we want to live our normal life and be left alone. 

That is not what God calls us to do.  We should be reaching

out to the world and showing God's love. 

Most of us Christians (including me) Just want to live a life

like the rest of the world and then go to church on Sunday.  I

am not trying to sound judgy I promise.  I am so, so, so guilty

of this. Eli and I didn't have some extra patience, super

power or a huge savings to be able to take on this job.  We are

just normal people that said yes to what God called us to do. 

I know God is calling me to do more though. 

He is calling all of us to do more. 

I have felt so guilty this week as I

planned a vacation for my family and have a pantry stocked

with food. Why has God blessed my family so much when

their are so many other families suffering in Japan and all

over the world?  There is so much more that I can do.

Praying that God shows me.

 I am not saying go out and adopt three kids. 

But what can you do? 

I promise when we say yes to God's calling for us he will

provide and give you the strength you need to fulfill that


We are so blessed

Just think if we all did something a little "crazy" for Jesus. 

Remember we are the only ones here to show God's love and

there are so many people out there that need it.

Jonett  – (March 15, 2011 at 6:02 PM)  

Hi! I am leaving a comment because I cannot find a way to email you directly on your blog. We are currently adopting internationally, but would also like to look into foster to adopt locally. I would love to talk or email you about your agency and such. My email is jonettw at gmail dot com


Rachel  – (March 15, 2011 at 7:16 PM)  

You can email me at growingwithjoy@yahoo.com
I emailed you but not sure I got it right. Thanks

Intentional Living Homestead  – (May 3, 2011 at 11:31 PM)  

This is an incredible post...loved it. And I totally get it and understand. Adoption is amazing and everything in between...I would never have it any other way. And I thank God that he chose us to adopt these precious children of ours.

Rachel  – (May 4, 2011 at 9:01 PM)  

Thanks for reading it and being so encouraging!

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