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We call the three in the middle the little tornado's

Can you guess why?

I would love some advice from those of you with large

families with lots of toddlers.  What do you do with the toys?

How do you get all the kids to pick up their fair share of toys

and put them back in the correct spot?

I love their creativity and excitement when they are using

their imagination but then when it is time to clean up it's like

pulling teeth (especially with my 3 year old).

We tried saying whatever toys don't get cleaned up will go in

a bag and we will give them away to kids who don't have any

toys.  Ayla says "great idea and grabbed lots of toys to

give away".  This backfired on us because it wasn't fair to the

kids who are cleaning up the mess they made and I don't

want them to feel like they have to clean up their brother and

sister's toys just so they don't get thrown away. 

Even without toys they make a lot of mess.

{which I don't mind as long as they clean it up}

My bed a few minutes after I made it {monkeys on the bed}

I totally understand the 5 kids equals lots of mess and

I don't want my hatred for clutter to take away from their fun

but I have to draw the line somewhere right

Any and all advice appreciated.

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